It is also known as Madan tree. The flowers, skin and leaves of Ashoka tree are highly beneficial for women and are used as medicine to cure several diseases. Its powder has the potential to cure most of the diseases related to women.
Palash (Forest Flame)
It is considered to represent immense beauty because of the yellow flowers which grow on the tree in bunches. The tree looks very attractive from a distance. It is also called Forest Flame due to this quality. Its powder can cure any type of stomach problem. Boil the flowers in water and make a fine paste, keep this paste on the lower part of the belly to cure problems of stones. In case of acute pain due to the presence of stones or painful urination this medicine is highly beneficial.
China Rose (Gudhal)
This flower is related to the uterus. Roast this flower in ghee and consume it after your menstruation cycle. This will protect the pregnancy. Chew a few China rose flowers to cure mouth ulcers. If you are suffering baldness or loss of hair, make a fine paste with these flowers and apply it on the scalp. It gives coolness and purifies the blood. It can be taken in the form of squash or Gulkand to cure Sujak (gonorrhoea) disease. China Rose squash is especially beneficial and makes a person happy and cheerful.
Shankhpushpi (Blue creeper)
It is also known as 'Vishnukanta' and is found in summer season and
appears to be some kind of grass. Grind the flowers, leaves and stem. Mix the paste with water and add honey or sugar candy. This medicine is extremely good for refreshing the mind and overcoming lethargy. Students are advised to take this regularly to cope up with stress, burden and competition.
Grind the leaves of Acacia tree and apply on the head to get rid of headache. Apply the paste on skin affected with eczema and ringworm; it is beneficial for skin diseases. It also gives relief in cough and respiratory problems. Gargling with the acacia leaves helps stop tooth decay.
Grind the flowers of the neem tree and make a fine paste, apply this on boils and wounds to reduce burning sensation and heat. Rub the paste on the body and take bath, this is good to cure ringworm problem. Neem leaves are also useful for reducing weight. Grind the flowers, mix the paste in water and sieve it nicely. Regular consumption of this solution reduces weight and purifies the blood. It protects the body from infectious diseases. Neem has many uses and hence is also known as 'doctor of the home'.
This destroys the bacteria present in the pancreas and intestines. It increases the white blood cells and thereby the resistance power of the body. It also stops bad breath. It works like a painkiller, in case of pain in any part of the body. Rub the clove on a grinding stone and apply the paste on the painful area. Suck a clove incase of severe pain in the teeth. Smoking clove excretes all the unwanted elements through sweat.
Juhi (a kind of Jasmine)
Make Gulkand or powder from the Juhi flowers. This medicine is beneficial for acidity, stomach ulcer and mouth ulcers. Living under the proximity of a Juhi tree protects one from tuberculosis.
Madhawi (Basil)
This flower is beneficial to cure skin diseases. Prepare powder from these flowers and apply the lep (pack) on the affected area. In case of arthritis, chew these flowers in the morning. It also controls respiratory problems.
Harsingar or Parijat (Coral Tree)
This flower cures arthritis. The face pack made with these flowers gives glowing skin. Its sweet smell makes the mind cheerful.
15 Eddy Crescent Florey,
ACT 2615,